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Data protection policy

According to UK law, any organisation holding personal data must abide by certain conditions. These include giving information about what information is kept, how it will be used and how you can request deletion.

POG uses information about its members and enquirers for the following purposes:

  1. To maintain membership records showing who is a member and how we may contact each member.
  2. To contact those who have requested information about the group or its activities.
  3. To send information to members and enquirers about forthcoming POG events and other events that may be of interest (see also (4) below).
  4. To maintain an e-mail list which is used to send event information and to allow discussion among members. Please note that the mailing list is not “anonymising”, i.e. if you send an e-mail to the list, recipients can see your e-mail address.
  5. To facilitate direct communication between event organisers and other members.
  6. To provide insurance cover for group activities and ensure that any member involved in a claim or dispute is contactable.


To support these functions, we ask for the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. Your e-mail address
  3. Your telephone number
  4. Your address


You have the right to request a statement of the information we hold about you at any time; in some circumstances we have the right to charge a fee of up to £10 to provide this.

You may request deletion of your data from our records by contacting the Treasurer (who also acts as Membership Secretary). Please be aware that if we delete your data:

  1. We can no longer validate your membership of the group, or contact you for renewal of your membership;
  2. You will be removed from the group mailing list


POG will never supply the names and contact details of members or enquirers to any third party outside the group without your consent, unless legally obliged to do so. Note however that booking on some events may require names of participants to be provided (for example to book hostel beds).

POG will share contact details of all members among the group for the following purposes:

  1. To allow dissemination of information about group events or other events that may be of interest to members
  2. To allow event organisers to establish attendance at events
  3. To allow members to request information about events
  4. To facilitate participation in events, e.g. through lift sharing


POG will notify members of any additional disclosure that may be required for the running of the group.

More information is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office